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I AM Persistent

Recently, I've been looking for a new therapist. I put a list together of therapists through my insurance provider, sent emails and made phone calls to see if they were accepting new clients. At least 6 inquiries were put out by me and then I waited. Out of the 6 inquires, only one came back with a response. Cool, some progress was made and I had a consultation...consultation went good, filled out the intake papers, and now insurance and deductible had to be verified. So, I had to wait again...few days later the therapist office called me about my insurance verification and what my deductible would be. The lady on the other side of the phone proceeded to tell me that my deductible would be $106 and some change. I was speechless and laughed in my head...eventually I said, "ok"...she then asks, "Would you like to proceed with making an appointment or do you want to think about it and call back?" I then said, "I'll think about it...thank you."

I've been going to therapy since 2013 and I've had 4 different therapists in that time frame...while also having different insurances at those times and I've never paid over $50 for a deductible. So hearing, "$106..." was unacceptable for me. I'm a big advocate for therapy, but I also understand the struggles that come with seeking, deductibles, therapists that don't take insurance, insurance networks you can't step out of, and actually finding the right therapist for you. It can be a hassle, it can be stressful, and make you want to give up.

Persistence is the key. I have been heavily invested in the healing & growth of my mental & emotional health, but that can also come with struggles...setbacks, failures, triggers, pain, etc. Because of this persistence...I will sit down, get on the computer, make another list, and send out more inquiries.

Acknowledgement of me understanding that I can't heal & grow on my own keeps me persistent in finding the right therapist for me in this stage of my healing journey.



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